India today should aspire to be a knowledge and innovation driven economy for employment generation and prosperity, and IITs and industries should join hands to solve the national challenges.
Why in News -:
122 New Research Project proposals at a cost of Rs 112 Crore selected for funding under IMPRINT-2 : HRD Minister PrakashJavadekar
The Philosophy -:
Since time immemorial, necessity and aspiration has always driven mankind to discover, invent or innovate through individual or collective effort. The history of human civilization is replete with examples of how mankind has derived inspiration and learned from nature to overcome various challenges and meet the basic necessities of food-shelter-survival during the stone-age to begin with, and gradually progressed by leaps and bounds to reach the modern age of security and amenities over many centuries and millennia.
In the modern era, innovative technological developments that originate from societal demands and make far reaching impact to humanity warrant far more sound foundation in scientific principles and ethical values than before, and hence, pose a much bigger challenge to formulate a strategy and roadmap to attain the desired goal.
About IMPRINT -:
Adopting engineering and technology as the vehicle to addressing the societal needs and achieving national prosperity, MHRD has drafted a new and catalytic scheme called IMPacting Research INnovation and Technology or IMPRINT.
IMPRINT is the first of its kind MHRD supported Pan-IIT + IISc joint initiative to address the major science and engineering challenges that India must address and champion to enable, empower and embolden the nation for inclusive growth and self-reliance. This novel initiative with twofold mandate is aimed at:
(a) Developing new engineering education policy
(b) Creating a road map to pursue engineering challenges IMPRINT provides the overarching vision that guides research into areas that are predominantly socially relevant.
Objective -:
Development of Cost Effective Magneto-Rheological (MR) Fluid Damper in Two wheelers and Four Wheelers Automobile to Improve Ride Comfort and Stability;
Indigenous development of an ultra high strength steel with stainless property for space application;
High strength, wear and corrosion resistant steel for high speed rail and elastic clip;
Low Cost Indoor Occupancy and Climate Monitoring System For Energy Conservation;
Development of Artificial Pancreas for Closed Loop Blood Glucose Control of Type-1 Diabetic Patients in India;
Development of a smartphone camera-based sensor for detection and remediation of chromium pollution in water;
Efficient Glycemic Control for the Management of Diabetes Complications : Intervention with Novel Point of Care Device for Community Healthcare;
Smart Classrooms: Technology Aids for Effective Teaching in Large Classrooms; and
Designing and fabrication of an aerodynamic lens for nanoparticles of variable size.
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